005 - Escape the Monotony and Reinvigorate Your Teaching with These Quick Tips

005 - Escape the Monotony and Reinvigorate Your Teaching with These Quick Tips

Feel like your rehearsals have gotten a bit monotonous lately? Here are a few reasons why this may be happening, plus some helpful strategies for getting out of that rut and back to making music with creativity and enthusiasm.

004 - 3 Ways to Inspire and Motivate Those You Teach

004 - 3 Ways to Inspire and Motivate Those You Teach

Think about some of the great teachers you’ve observed or worked with throughout your life. What made them great? What separates them in your mind from other teachers you’ve had? One thing that I’ve noticed is that exceptional teachers have an innate ability to inspire and motivate those they teach. Here are three ways to do this in your teaching this year:

003 - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

003 - The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us

The book, "Drive: The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us" by Daniel H. Pink is based on scientific research by people like Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, Carol Dweck, and Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi, among others, and provides insight into the role of motivation in our lives. Here are my three biggest takeaways:

002 - How to Continue Developing Your Teaching Skills This Year

002 - How to Continue Developing Your Teaching Skills This Year

The world is constantly changing and evolving and we need to be constantly changing, adapting, learning, and evolving along with it to be the best teachers we can be. What do you want to learn this year? How will you change, adapt, learn, and evolve as a teacher this year?

001 - What Kind of Teacher Do You Want to Become This Year?

001 - What Kind of Teacher Do You Want to Become This Year?

As musicians, teachers, leaders, and creators, we’re never done learning (and that’s a good thing!). We’re constantly seeking out new ways to do things, new strategies to try, new skills to develop. I think it’s because we know deep down that there’s always room to grow. Today, we're talking about goal-setting for teachers + three questions to help you find clarity and direction this year.