online piano teaching

016 - 7 Unconventional Approaches to Starting the New School Year

016 - 7 Unconventional Approaches to Starting the New School Year

Most years, the beginning of the new school year feels fresh and exciting. Everything is new and bright and full of possibility.

This year, in the midst of a global pandemic, things feel a little different.

As such, here are a few unconventional ways to prepare for the new school year ahead.

015 - The Unexpected Benefits of Teaching Online

015 - The Unexpected Benefits of Teaching Online

I've spent the last 12 weeks teaching solely online: innovating and adapting and learning new technologies, meeting my students in their homes, navigating this new virtual world together, and finding ways to keep making music through it all. Today, I want to share my observations and reflections on this season, this new paradigm in music education, and the benefits I've discovered.