As a church musician, I always look forward to this time of year and gathering for choir rehearsal for the first time after a long summer break.
I tend to do most of my fall/Christmas planning over the summer and am always eager to see the choir's responses to new music in their folders.
Looking for some anthem recommendations or ideas? Here are my top 50 go-to anthems for small church choirs.
I’ve organized these by season or category. Pieces marked with an asterisk (*) are a little more challenging than the others on this list.
*Disclosure: I get commissions for purchases made through links in this post.
1. And the Father Will Dance (arr. Hayes)*
2. At the River (arr. Copland)
3. Brother James’ Air (Jacob)*
4. Climbin’ Up the Mountain, Children (Shackley)
5. Consecration (John Ness Beck)*
6. Find in Me (Hinnant)
7. God Be in My Head (Rutter)*
8. Grace (arr. Hayes)
9. Here’s One (arr. Fettke)
10. How Beautiful (Your Songs of Praise) (Fettke)
11. How Can I Keep From Singing? (Courtney)
12. Hush! Somebody’s Callin’ My Name (arr. Dennard)
13. Inscription of Hope - SSA (Stroope)
14. It is Well with My Soul (arr. Poorman)
15. Lord Jesus Christ, Be Present Now (Byrd)
16. Lord, Lead Us Still (Brahms)
17. Lord, You’ve Searched and Known Me (Wagner)
18. Morning Has Broken (arr. Scott)
19. My Tribute (arr. Lojeski)
20. Prayer for Peace (Lightfoot)
21. Spirit of God (Carter)*
22. The Gift of Love (arr. Hopson)
23. The Mighty Power of God (arr. Hayes)*
24. There Is a Balm in Gilead (Larson)
25. Within These Walls (Choplin)
26. Yes, My Jesus Loves Me (McDonald)*
27. You Are the Song (Courtney)*
28. You Knew Me, Lord (Shackley)
29. And We Remember (Wagner)
30. Come to the Water (arr. Hasseler)
31. Gathered As One (Tate)
32. I Will Arise (arr. Shaw/Parker)
33. We Are One, Lord (Pethel)
34. In the Season of Our Plenty (Patterson)
35. For the Beauty of the Earth (arr. Rutter)*
36. Every Valley (Beck)
37. How Far is it to Bethlehem? (arr. Hayes)
38. In the Stillness (Purifoy)
39. Lo, How a Rose (Praetorius)
40. Of the Father’s Love Begotten (arr. Rouse)*
41. Sing We Noel (Goemanne)*
42. Speaking Love (Danyew)
43. Wake, O My Soul (Danyew)
44. Ain’t No Rock Gonna Shout for Me (Larson)
45. An Hour of Hallowed Peace (Danyew)*
46. He Is Risen Now! (Purifoy)
47. Immortal Love, Forever Full (arr. Kreider)*
48. Ride On, King Jesus (arr. Helvey)
49. Let the People Shout Hosanna (Gartner)
50. Wondrous Love (Shackley)
Looking for more adult choir anthem recommendations? Here are 50 (more!) favorites.