Stewardship is about taking care of the gifts God has given us. This includes managing our earthly possessions and monetary gains, but it also includes tending to the relationships we have and caring for the world around us.
Many churches spend some time during the fall months talking about stewardship. Centered around themes of gratitude and giving, stewardship is a time to talk about God’s abundant blessings and ways we can be good stewards of the gifts we’ve been given.
Stewardship often culminates in a Commitment Sunday or a time to make a pledge of time, gifts, and financial contributions to the work of the church.
It’s important that stewardship not just be about financial giving, but how we can give ourselves to God’s work, commit our lives to God’s service, and use God’s gifts to bless those around us.
““Christian giving is a responsive act. It represents gratitude to God. It is a symbol of self-giving. Therefore, giving is not a once-for-all event, but a regular part of life. It is a spiritual discipline that reminds us who we are and whose we are.””
Today, I'm sharing a variety of music that would work well on Sundays tied to stewardship and giving. Here are a few songs, hymns, and anthems you might consider for your worship services.
Music For Stewardship
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We Are Called
SATB Choir with Piano
Marty Haugen/arr. Mark Hayes
A jubilant 6/8 anthem with rolling piano accompaniment. A prayer for unity and humility.
Walk Humbly
SATB Choir with Piano
arr. Joel Raney
Based on Micah 6:6-8, this lyrical anthem is well-suited for a stewardship Sunday, with themes of justice, mercy, and service.
Be the Light of Christ
SATB Choir with Piano
Wes Cameron
A thoughtful, mission-oriented anthem focused on serving others in the name of Christ.
For All His Blessings
SATB Choir with Piano
Steve Danyew
A new setting of an old hymn text, this anthem quotes the doxology as a recurring chorus. This works well any time of the year but is especially fitting for Thanksgiving and stewardship services.
What Does the Lord Require of You
SATB Choir with Piano
Mark A. Miller
A spirited, fun, Gospel-style rendition of this justice-oriented text from Micah 6:6-8.
God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending
SATB Choir with Piano
arr. Lloyd Larson
This new setting of Robert Edwards’ hymn text features lyrical, accessible choral writing and a flowing accompaniment.
Find in Me
SATB Choir with Piano
Henry Hinnant
“Find in me your all in all.” A touching reminder that God is a shelter for us and calls us to Himself.
Give Me a Song
SAB or SATB Choir with Piano
Pepper Choplin
A lyrical anthem based on the hymn tune GERMANY with themes of praise and thanksgiving. Appropriate for Thanksgiving, stewardship, or throughout the year.
Faithful Servant
SATB Choir with Piano
Cindy Berry
A lyrical anthem based on the Parable of the Talents story in Matthew 25:14–30.
What Shall I Offer My God?
SATB Choir with Organ
arr. Lloyd Larson
A reflective anthem based on James 4:10 and Micah 6:6-8, incorporating “Take My Life and Let It Be” (HENDON).
Called to Service
SATB Choir with Piano
Lloyd Larson
This anthem talks about being called into God’s service and set apart for the work of furthering God's kingdom.
Where You Need Me, I Will Go
Unison/2-part or SATB Choir with Piano
Mark Patterson
A mission-oriented anthem focused on personal commitment and service. Use both the unison/2-part and SATB versions together for a combined choir experience!
Take My Life, Lord
SAB Choir with Piano and Opt. Flute
Anna Laura Page
A new musical setting of the old, familiar, prayerful text by Frances Havergal.
God Has Work for Us to Do
SATB Choir with Piano
Also available in Roll Down, Justice
Mark A. Miller
A simple piece with a repeating chorus that could be sung by the congregation. This piece challenges us to keep doing the work of building God’s kingdom here on earth.
God Is Here
Take My Life and Let It Be
Here I Am, Lord
Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing
Come, Ye Thankful People, Come
For the Beauty of the Earth
For the Fruits of This Creation
Fairest Lord Jesus
All Creatures of Our God and King
Now Thank We All Our God
Freely, Freely
What Gift Can We Bring
All People That On Earth Do Dwell
Praise, My Soul, the King of Heaven
Called As Partners in Christ’s Service
We Are an Offering
Dwight Liles
"We lift our voices, we lift our hands, we lift our lives up to You. We are an offering…"
Make Me a Servant
"Make me a servant, humble and meek. Lord, let me lift up those who are weak…"
My Heart Is Filled
A beautiful song focused on thanksgiving and gratitude.
Be Glorified
Chris Tomlin
A prayerful song that invites God to be glorified in our lives.
Randy Scruggs
“Lord, prepare me to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true…"
Gather Us In
Marty Haugen
A lilting song that invites and calls God’s people together and equips them for ministry to the world.
Giving it All to You
Michael Gungor
A newer contemporary song focused on God’s sovereignty and surrender.
Speak, O Lord
A beautiful, lyrical, song—a prayerful invitation for God to use us for His purposes and glory.
Lord, Be Glorified
Bob Kilpatrick
A simple chorus that invites God to be glorified in our lives, in our churches, and in our world. Beautiful with sign language! Also, easy for children to sing and play with handbells.
I Will Offer Up My Life
Matt Redman
A touching, reflective song about surrender, worship, and sacrifice.
Take My Life
Chris Tomlin
One of my favorite settings of this familiar hymn text. This version features a repeating chorus added in.
For the Cause
A newer contemporary song that speaks to praising God and proclaiming the gift of salvation through His Son.
Fairest Lord Jesus
Christy Nockels
A contemporary setting of this familiar hymn with a new, repeating chorus added in.
What are your favorite songs, hymns, and anthems for stewardship? Share in the comments below!