Editorial: Looking for Light

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December 2020

This year, December feels a little different.

For those of us used to the rush of dress rehearsals and holiday concerts, dinner parties and family gatherings, neighborhood caroling, and late-night Christmas Eve services, this December is a little different.

We know what it means to be "the people walking in darkness." We long to see a great light.

And we're growing tired of waiting.

But maybe it's here, in this waiting, that we'll find it. Maybe it's not a great light we're waiting for, but small fragments, like the tiny flames that dot the dark sanctuary on Christmas Eve. Maybe we've been looking in the wrong places.

"You don't need to seek the light.
You are light, light of God's Word,
light of God's love,
shining in your being.

Trust this light, given, not made.

Don't worry to shine the light; it already shines.
Simply be mindful.
Open the shutters of your heart,
and let the divine light radiate."

- Excerpt from "You are light" by Steve Garnaas-Holmes, Unfolding Light.
Used with permission.

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This December, more than ever, we need light: yours and mine.

Maybe here, in this waiting, we'll discover that it's been here all along, just waiting to be revealed.

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