The First Step in Music-Learning That’s Often Overlooked (Music Education Basics)

Music Education Basics is a free online workshop for music educators in all types of settings.

This is Day 1 of our 5-day video and audio series.

Yes, it’s available as a video series, but I’m going to share the audio version right here on the podcast so you can tune into the content here each day if that’s easier for you.

Listen to the introduction here >>

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In this episode:

To begin Music Education Basics, we’re going to talk about a primary component of music teaching and learning and something you may not immediately think of as being the first step in the teaching process: listening and responding.

In the introduction last week, I talked about the Music Learning Theory and the idea that learning music is a lot like learning how to speak a new language.

When you learned how to speak your native language, I’m assuming you didn’t start with a book in your hand, decoding sounds and letters and trying to decipher what it all meant. You probably learned how to speak your first words by listening to others speak the language around you, soaking it up, exploring how to create sound yourself, and eventually, imitating them.

It’s so important to build listening and responding into your teaching, because, while it's vital at the beginning of musical development, it’s something we come back to over and over again as we learn.

Everyone can learn from opportunities to listen and respond to music, at all stages of musical development, something I explain more in this lesson.

Looking for the workbook? You’ll find it inside the learning platform, ready to download. Sign up for free access >>

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Looking for more?

If this leaves you curious and ready to dive deeper into the study and practice of music teaching and learning, I’d love to invite you to join me in my signature program, The Art of Music Teaching & Learning.

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Designed for music educators in all types of settings, this 8-week course will help you refine and cultivate your teaching skills by developing a deeper understanding of teaching and learning processes, learning goals and assessment, and creative curriculum design.

Inside, you’ll find a creative, practical approach to music teaching and learning, plus plenty of templates, worksheets, and related resources to prepare and equip you for the year ahead. Plus, two live group calls with me to ask questions and get more personalized coaching.

Enrollment opens on May 27! Learn more + get all the details.

I'd love to hear from you.

Let me know if you have any questions or need help brainstorming ideas. I’m here to help!