book review

Book Review: What I Learned From "The Creative Habit"

Book Review: What I Learned From "The Creative Habit"

As a creative, I love reading about other people's creative processes: their habits and work routines, the decisions they make, the way they think, and how they see the world.

Here are my three biggest takeaways from The Creative Habit.

Simply Tuesday

Simply Tuesday

The world tells us to hustle and work hard, make it happen, strive for bigger and better. But have you ever stopped to think about what your soul is telling you? It's an interesting thought, isn't it.

That still, small voice inside often says things like, "Wait" and "Slow down" or "Breathe." Because "the soul and the schedule don't follow the same rules" (Emily P. Freeman). Sometimes, we just need to be still. Sometimes, we need to not only remember our smallness, but celebrate it.