how to be more productive

Work-Life Balance — Is There Such a Thing?

Work-Life Balance — Is There Such a Thing?

We’ve heard it all before: the lore of work-life balance. Of doing it all, and doing it all well. And so we set out in search of the magical formula that will keep us in perfect balance, the solution to all our problems. 

But secretly, we kind of wonder: is it real? Can it be achieved?

There’s been some debate recently as to whether or not this idea of balance between work and life is actually attainable. The thing is, the word balance makes it feel precarious: the feeling we have when learning to ride a bicycle, that we might lose our balance and fall over at any moment.

Not a great visual for life, just saying.

How I Save Time by Batching Tasks (and How You Can, Too!)

How I Save Time by Batching Tasks (and How You Can, Too!)

It’s an age-old paradox:

How to get more done in less time.

We buy new planners. We sign up for new digital task organizers. We keep a notepad handy at all times and have a running to-do list on our phones, in our inboxes, and in our heads pretty much all the time.

And yet, we’re still trying to find ways to be more productive. To stay on top of everything and keep all the plates spinning.

One thing I’ve found to be helpful in the past few years is batching.