music director

Making the Most of Your Weekly Choir Rehearsal: 7 Helpful Strategies to Save You Time

Making the Most of Your Weekly Choir Rehearsal: 7 Helpful Strategies to Save You Time

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It’s one of the biggest challenges we face as church musicians and music educators. Here’s what some of you shared on my reader survey in response to the question, “What is your biggest work-related challenge?":

TIME!!! I am always scrambling to get things done.

I find it challenging to fit in all I want (or need) to do. (My inspiration is often greater than my time allotment!)

Limited time (30 min./week).

Lack of enough rehearsal time and space.

I teach Preschool through 8th grade music. It is challenging to find time to put together great lessons for that huge age span.

Trying to make my staff/session understand that SO much of what I do is "invisible hours”; that I spend hours upon hours studying scores, researching liturgy, finding new ways to help all my choirs, etc. So many of them think that the bulk of my time is in front of a choir or congregation, when in actuality there is so much that goes into preparing for those few hours in front of people.

Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for Choir Directors & Church Musicians

Holiday Gift Guide: Gifts for Choir Directors & Church Musicians

Okay, choir members - this one's for you.

Every year, your choir bands together to organize a group gift for your choir director and accompanist. You pass a secret envelope during rehearsals to collect money and then someone is tasked with finding the *perfect* gifts to be given at the annual Christmas party.

This year, it's your turn to find the gifts.

The Rewards and Challenges of Being a Director/Accompanist

The Rewards and Challenges of Being a Director/Accompanist

A few years ago, I read an article by Vern Sanders of Creator Magazine called "5 Shocking Truths About Director Accompanists."

At the time, I was a director/accompanist at a small church with a choir of about 20 people. I found I could direct most things from the piano just fine and I think it helped the choir take more responsibility for their music-making. But, I realize this was a unique situation. There are always rewards and challenges with the job - that goes without saying. And in a larger church with a larger choir doing more difficult music, I can see how the role of director/accompanist would be more challenging and could in fact limit what the choir is able to do.

Where I Work

Welcome to my home-away-from-home!

Thought you might like a little tour of where I work, practice, plan, and teach! We had a crazy but wonderful night of rehearsals last night - first night back for the children in Singers & Scholars and we even had a couple of new faces! Tomorrow is our Christmas Choir Kick-Off for the Sanctuary Choir (and friends joining us for the cantata - yes, I discovered a stack of cantata scores in the choir library during my Christmas planning this summer!) With rehearsal time, a potluck lunch, Christmas decorations, fellowship, and even a gingerbread house decorating contest, it promises to be a stellar way to begin the season. Pictures to follow...