poem — Creative Ideas for Church Music and Music Education | Ashley Danyew


Prayers for Choirs: No. 12

Prayers for Choirs: No. 12

“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5 Have you ever noticed how much light comes from one tiny candle? No matter how dark the room may be, the soft glow of one small flame cannot be overcome.

It is radiant and bright and hopeful—a reminder of God’s promise to us and God’s presence with us. “For you were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light.” (Ephesians 5:8)

Ode to the Choir

‘Twas the week before Christmas and all through the choir, Reminders to smile, breathe deeper, think higher. Their music was filed and robes hung with care, In hopes that the New Year would soon be there.

The altos were nestled all snug in their pew, Waiting for Steve to give them their cue. The row full of basses, there in the back, Had just settled down for a long sermon nap.

When out in the Narthex there arose such a clatter They sprang from their seats to see what was the matter. Away down the aisle, they flew in a flash, Peering out windows and then with a crash–

They turned on their feet and looked up at the loft, As light filled the room and voices grew soft. When what to their wondering ears should they hear, But strains of “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear.”

The band of bright seraphim amidst brilliant light, The choir members gazed at the beautiful sight. With rich, joyful voices, e’en closer they came, Until they heard them call out by name:

“Come, Gretchen and Carolyn, Doug, Steve, and Anne, Come, Bobbie and Gloria, Don, Dale, and Pam! Come, Ellen and Pat, Dave, Bart, and Peg, Come, Diane and Dick, Ed and Gregg!

To the top of the mountain, and down by the lake, Sing with a smile, for goodness sake! For this is the Message and to this we are called, Now, sing noel, sing noel, sing noel, all!”

Their eyes–how they twinkled! Their dimples, how merry! Their cheeks were like roses, their robes, red as cherries! Their mouth shapes so round, their vowels, so pure, As they sang from their hearts, sweet music, for sure.

The choir, they hustled to join the bright band, And the singing continued at the wave of Steve’s hand. For there in that moment, the choir stood singing, With the angel band’s voices in unison ringing.

They remember with fondness, that white, snowy day, When the bright angel band a visit did pay. Now singing in worship, their voices of light: “Happy Christmas to all on this silent night!”

Ashley Danyew Copyright 2011 Based on "'Twas the Night Before Christmas" by Clement C. Moore